Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Minister's Report Card

This morning heard on 988 on this interesting website that was setup to rate our politicians. Malaysians, in general, vote for parties instead of voting for the candidate. Not much is known about what the person elected actually achieved in their term. So this is a pretty good idea. Its like a minister's report card.

I checked out the website.. its still pretty new, but its a good start at least...

Most of the time, we ( at least me ) would have visibility on those famous (infamous) ministers who
  • Who shock everyone by waving keris on the stage
  • Who blames tragedy on mother nature
  • Who tried to avoid answering questions on AP
  • Who try to make a big deal out of a teenager song

I only see a few good ministers doing a real solid work ... like our Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. Really admire his way.

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