Saturday, April 25, 2009

Forcing myself to exercise

Today i manage to resume my yoga lessons after stopping for like a few months.... hehe... more like half a year.

I fidgeted, hesitated and literally drag and force myself to the class because i think i have been sitting too much, inactivity too much for too long. Can start to feel neck ache, back ache and all kind of aches that signals lack of exercise. Do you ever need to force yourself to exercise ? Its so hard, and i keep giving myself excuse not to go. Its like both the angel and demon within me waging a war... and I am psychologically torned apart.

There is a swimming pool the place i live, but i'd always find excuse for myself for not taking a dip in the pool. The weather is too cold - might catch cold, the sun is too hot - might get sunburn, too many ppl in the pool...... not in the mood for swim ..... these are among the excuses i gave myself not swimming.

Why do humans have to exercise to stay healthy ? ....will there be a future technology to make human stay healthy without exercising ? For lazy people like me, that sounds like heaven.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The silver lining.....

Every now and then, amidst the doom and gloom, there would be some inspiring events which made the world not seem so grey after all. Today's Barack Obama presidential win is just one of them. When what seemed like impossible happens, we feel like we can take on the world.

The impending financial crisis may not be so bad after all.

In near future, our country would no longer be racial-based, or talk about social contract, or be filled with religious fanatics.

Global warming would not seem so unstoppable after all.

The ecstasy may be short-lived ... but there is still hope yet in this world of ours.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taking for granted what comes by easily

Last weekend, I had to tolerate a pregnant mom's whining. I sat for hours listending to the incessant complaints, worries and nagging about her impending loss of freedom, worry about about her expanding waistline, about the kid's babysitter fee. Children are gifts from God, and one should be grateful to receive such gift, rather than perceiving a kid as a financial and emotional burden. I tried to emphatized, but I can't.

It dawned to me - that when things comes too easily to us, it is usually taken for granted and not appreciated. It is the same when mom lay food on the table, and all we just had to to is open our mouth and eat -- we complain the food is not tasty enough.

When parents are granted with a child, they complain about the cost of raising a child. They complain about expensive baby sitters and loss of freedom and mobility. Parents worry that they cannot afford to send them to international schools, or send them to overseas tertiary education.

Stop for a second and think of the tears of those childless couple who yearn for a child of their own.

Stop for a minute to think of those couples who had to endure IVF or test tube, who had to allow needles and tubes to be poked into their body -- in vain to get a child.

Stop for a while to think of a father who can feed his 5 kids with a mere RM1000 monthly income.

Stop and think ... and all these worries would seem trivial in comparison, and when we realised its time to count our blessings.

Restless wait. ..

Sept 16 came and go. Nothing really happened. At least, not what I have been hoping for.

Sept 18 came and go too. Still same PM, same DPM, same plan. Malaysia's politics is so uninteresting now.

3 arrested under ISA, and 2 released upon public uproar.

All this waiting is making me restless... when is anything significant going to happen at all ? Patience is waning... where is Anwar and PKR leading Malaysia to ?