I would like to think that most people have some sort of phobias of their own. That, somehow, makes me feel better.
Lift Phobia - After the last episode, I always quietly pray that the lift might not drop all the way down. Its a torture coz i gotta take lift to get home and gotta take lift to get to office. So the scare becomes a daily ritual.
Height Phobia -Afraid of heights since I was born. But its been improving since. I am now staying at high-rise building at 20th floor.
Needle Phobia - I would do anything to avoid the needles poking into my skin. The fear is worse than the pain. I remember feigning sick when the nurses came to school for German Measles jab during Standard 6. I told teacher I had fever. The happiness did not last, the subsequent week, the nurse and needles came again... and I was one of the few who had to get the jab over with. There was no running-away. Over the years I had 3 minor operations, try as I might, there was no running away. So I gotta grow up and face it.
Garbage Room Phobia - This is my latest phobia. I stay in a condo, and at every floor there is a Garbage Room. It is a small room located in front of the lifts and has a big, black garbage bin inside. We are suppose to throw our garbage bags inside. Everytime I push open the heavy door, I half expected to see someone .. a thief,addict, or some psycho fella hiding inside the little dark room. When I am certain there is no one else in the room, except me and the big bin, I proceed to lift open the big, bin lid. Another round of anticipation ... as I half-expected to see some gory thing inside. ( a result of watching too many horror movies ) So it is usually dump-and-run situation. Sure hate to take rubbish out.
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