Sunday, March 16, 2008

An Interesting Conspiracy Theory

A very intriquing conspiracy theory at Jeff Ooi's blog .....posted by one of his readers.

Posted by: myop101 March 15, 2008 12:03 PM

First of all, thank you for offering yourself to serve Penang and our beloved country Malaysia. In actual fact, you have done that as a blogger even before you get elected. Now it's just added more responsibilities on your sholder. Please for the sake of the people, take sufficient rest and take good care of yourself.
I always hope that our Cabinet or state exco can be assigned to the right people with relevent capability. Instead of based on the party background. For example, could Penang exco assign a BN candidate who really capable and work for the people? Probably this is just a dream that I will not be able to see in my this life. And surely I am asking too much as we are just at the infancy of Democracy.
Btw, my wife has a conspiracy theory about the result of 12th GE. Please remove this conspiracy part from the post. Thanks.
The theory is Abdullah is the one that anonymously help and support the winning of DAP-PKR-PAS. In such doing, he could clean up the bad blood in BN and able to carry out changes in BN. Even though Abdullah was chosen as the successor to Dr M but actual power are still not available to Abdullah. He can get the real things (such as corruption, abolish unfair policies, kick out 'dead wood' etc) done. There are a few reasons for this: 1) The cronies resist to change because it means they cannot continue to get the wealth that they have already enough since the reign of Dr M. 2) He does not have strong tie to the supporters that support him. Most of the supporter might not support him from the bottom of their heart because supporting Pak Lah means no more money for the pocket in future. This is because Pak Lah tried (and failed most probably because of this reason) to fight corruption. Those people have some dirt on them. Supporting Pak Lah means they eventually might get to visit BPR office. 3) He can't kick the 'dead wood' out from the game directly as well. Because this will create too much unknown and consequently too much risk to the stability of the country. 4) As a person who has been as ambassodor for so many years, he knows what are the right things to say and not but he made so many mistakes during the period of campaign such as the TV show at the eve of poll and allowing his SIL to bark around which gather the anger of the general public. 5) Abdullah immediately admit BN accept the loses after the poll result. He had demonstrated the spirit of Democracy. Do you think Dr M will allow these to happen? There are lots more 'mistakes' (e.g. ISA on Hindraf leaders etc) that were shown by Abdullah which ultimately wakes the political awareness of the general public.
All in all, even Abdullah did not have the good intention, it is not deniable that he had demonstrated the good spirit of democracy by accepting the poor result of BN in 12th GE and he has moved the democracy of the country one step forward. It is amazing that to see my colleague taking leave to go back to home town in order to cast their vote and the general public were discussing the current situation of the politics.
Please stay focus and build a Malaysia for Malaysian, irregardless of party background and race. Like the Chinese saying 不集细流, 无以成江海. Absorb all the good from everyone, only then we can be strong.
One last comment, I felt that DAP sometimes can be too racist too e.g. LKS's initial statement about boycotting the swearing-in of Perak MB. We should get rid of the mentality of race. To me and a lot of Malaysian, who becomes the MB or CM does not really matter as long as he / she is capable and works for the people.
May everyone well and happy...


Could this be really possible ? Then I would have to deeply salute Pak Lah as one of the best strategist and actor. He fooled the country, and he fooled the entire world. How about that...

1 comment:

Fengel said...

Hmm... that conspiracy theory sounds a bit too far fetched... interesting idea though