I have made a few friends in this metropolitan place that I am in now. Some of them are real interesting people. One of them is this born-and-bred in KL guy, call him G.
Profile of G ( like the kind they do at BAU )
- In his late 20s
- Got a fairly good job, the kind that pay quite a few k.
- Spending Habit on House : Nil. Stay with parents.
- Spending Habit on Food : Stingy. McD and KFC are consider expensive food !! Daily beverage is the - "Teh Ais" (Ice Tea) coz it cost a mere 50 cents. Teh Ais is bad for health, by the way. Will complain incessantly about a 20 cents increase for food. Not adventurous about food.
- Spending Habit on Friends : Nil. Usually will get other people to belanja him instead.
- Spending Habit on Accessories : Look good is a must - will spend without batting an eyelid. G2000 shirts. Cyma watch. Mont Blanc wallet.
- Spending Habit on car : Owns a 10-year old Nissan.
What baffles me is how extremely different spending habits on food and spending habits on accessories. I guess this would mean looks are more important than food. Looks to die for - literally. Its a normal things for girls... but for guys to go that extreme ? Wow ! I am surprise that how much he is willing to pinch and save every cent from his daily meals to readily subsidize for his expensive accesories. A guy must do that to impress girls with expensive stuff ??
1 comment:
are you so bored in KL now you start to profile people?
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