Friday, June 22, 2007
What If ...
Quite possibly some producer will make a movie out of this crime of passion.
Supposingly Razak Baginda did order for her to be silenced, then it is really a tragic ending. I guess the reason he did not make a police report for fear his affair would be exposed, and probably his family's harmony would be at risk. His wife would definitely not be happy to hear about his affair. They'd probably fight over this, have verbal wars, or worse ... leave him bcoz of the affair.
Then again, considering the hot soup he is in now.... the wrath & fury of his wife & family may seem trivial after all.
What if he had come clean with the affair and make a police report about the threats he has been receiving, he might be better off.
What if would not help him now...
What if ....
Thursday, June 7, 2007
A Doctor's Whining
After the long-winded lecture, and me responded mostly by nodding...Can't wait for the lecture to be over. Doc finally turn to lighter topics .. phew.
Well, I thought so many ppl out there aspires to be doctors. But my Doc started whining and complaining about his job. Doc was jealous that I am officially jobless and lazing around. For no apparent reason, he unloaded his heart's content to me - as if he desperately needed a listener to understand how much his job sucks.
- Bcoz he got no time to go holiday even though he got loads of money. Gotta keep his clinic up and running.
- Bcoz he gotta keep up with the reading, and attend seminars to constantly keep up with the latest medical knowledge.
- Bcoz he is a doctor, he gotta make sure his kid is a doctor too -- you know, children are expected to carry the family legacy. So he gotta allocate enough money aside to support medical education.
- Bcoz he has to live in a high-end residential area befitting his status as a doctor. Can't live in a little condominium coz it damage your reputation, it seems. Morever, he planned to give a house as a gift to his only child as a graduation gift. That again, of coz, have to be up-to-standards.
- His wish is to retire early and have a nice long vacation by the beach. Wake up late every day and sip coffee by the sea.
To be honest, it sounds like bragging more than complaining.
But Doc is a nice guy, I am sure he didnt mean that way .. although it sounded to me as a bit arrogant.
I guess I just want to tell Doc ... Count your blessings !
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Book Review : The Island

Make money on internet ... not as easy (Part II)
The author Gobala, pretty much summarizes the gist of it - the sound of it is quite disheartening really
" The best way to overcome your problem is apparently to stop being a
Malaysian and start being a Singaporean"
Haha... initially I thought this guy want all of us to migrate to Singapore. Hey, the little island down south can't fit so many people really !
Make money on internet is not as easy if you are a Malaysian.
Actually, he means "virtual Singaporean" by the way ....... setting up virtual office in Spore and bank account in Spore.
Ain't no cheap and easy way out though. I haven't decided yet if I wanna invest $$ into all these setup stuff. Will the returns be worth it ? Or it might just be my interest will fizzle out ..... hehe .. who knows...
I am still seeking for alternative ..........
Pak Lah's Wedding
PM to get married on Saturday News Update by V.P SUJATA AND MAZWIN NIK
ANISPUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced his marriage to Jeanne Abdullah in a private ceremony on Saturday.
Surprise, surprise .. .Our prime minister Pak Lah is getting married this Saturday. Few things came to my mind
- The rumors earlier this year about Pak Lah remarry, which was vehemently denied in one of the press conference, was true after all.
- Hmm... will Pak Lah emulate Raja Nazrin's wedding and foot his own bill for the wedding ?
- His marriage to Jeanne Abdullah ( the ex-wife of his late wife's brother ) ... wouldn't it be consider as marrying your own sister-in-law ? Although it is not blood relation, still relation by marriage. But i guess who cares anyway...
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
What's in a name ?
Was reading Kit Siang's blog on the decision to change the name of our national language from Bahasa Melayu to Bahasa Malaysia by our Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin.
Another example of our Ministers try to out-do each other by doing something which will bring them to the headlines of the papers. Vying for visibility ?
While, not to say it is not good, but rakyat would be more pleased if the headlines made are more meaningful like "Steps taken by Ministry to guarantee no more leakages, or ceiling falling off, or pipe bursts". Attack real problems with real solutions, you know what I mean.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Freedom Of Religion
It gets scary when you see this kind of head-lines at The Star
PAS wants apostasy to be made a crime in FT
KOTA BARU: PAS wants the syariah enactments amended to make apostasy a crime in the Federal Territory, the only state not to have such a provision. The imposition of heavier penalties to deter Muslims from renouncing their faith was among five resolutions passed during the PAS assembly here yesterday.
To be exact, if you are a Muslim born in Malaysia - too bad, you are not entitle to freedom of religion. Wikipedia says
" Freedom of religion is a guarantee by a government for freedom of belief for individuals and freedom of worship for individuals and groups. It is generally recognized to also include the freedom not to follow any religion (irreligion) and not to believe in any god (atheism or agnosticism). "
That's what happen when religion get mixed with politics. Everyone tries to out-do the other by some shocking propositions.