There was a very interesting call-in program at 98.8 radio station the other day. The topic was about false MC ( medical certificate ) .... and guess what, lots of listeners enthusiastically called to the station to brag about their techniques to outsmart the doctor... hehe.
1. Drink coke with an empty stomach. Get to the clinic fast, and tell the doc that you have stomach upset, diarrhea etc... When doc put the scope to your stomach, he'll be convinced when he hears a lot of growling and bubbles...
2. Take an extended walk under the hot sun and feign fever. Sure enough, your body temperature shoots up...
3. If you have low blood pressure, just say you feel giddy and try to look pale.
Malaysians are a creative lot....... there's probably much more to the list, but i dont remember .....anyone wanna add on the list ?
1. Drink coke with an empty stomach. Get to the clinic fast, and tell the doc that you have stomach upset, diarrhea etc... When doc put the scope to your stomach, he'll be convinced when he hears a lot of growling and bubbles...
2. Take an extended walk under the hot sun and feign fever. Sure enough, your body temperature shoots up...
3. If you have low blood pressure, just say you feel giddy and try to look pale.
Malaysians are a creative lot....... there's probably much more to the list, but i dont remember .....anyone wanna add on the list ?
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