After we seated ourselves down, only i notice she had braces on. It seems that her boyfriend persuaded her to go for the treatment. No wonder la... :) Such is the power of LOVE ! To me, her teeth looks pretty okay.... doesnt look like the type who really, really need dental braces. I had dental braces too -- but back then i didnt know what i was signing up for. The pain and hassle that I had to go thru was unforgettable. I had porridge as my diet for a whole month, and even drinking water causes much pain. Shudder ....

Pic taken from
I consider myself a slow-eater. But this time, I had to wait for YY who had to chew slowly. She used to gobble-up everything on the plate with an amazing speed. This role reversal is pretty amusing, given that she used to tease me about having to wait for me to finish the meal.
I gotta admire her courage, it will be another three years before she can say bye bye to those braces and flash a perfect smile with perfect row of teeth.